I am grateful for Mike Page for starting a Geni account (www.geni.com) where you can see geneology for your family and also that it reminds you when a birthday is near and information about your family members. Actually, Carie is already sick of all the emails, but I don't mind them as a chance to learn about history and family. I just hope we get more people to join and take advantage of everything it can offer. But sometimes you might not want to know who you might be related to. For example, how about if you find your relative is Adolf Hitler or something?
This kind of happened to me yesterday when I clicked to see who a person is from the latest email. Joy Brisbo is the person I was interested in and it took me to a page that said she is my fourth cousin's wife's aunt. It also tells you how you are related by creating direct lines to that person from yourself, Blue color lines are blood family members and it switches to red lines if it goes through a marriage. Joy Brisbo is not my direct relative because it switches to red at Marcia Sheffield. I thought this is weird because Kim Sheffield is Blue. These are my wife Carie's Parents!!! I click on Kim Sheffield (Carie's Dad) and it says we are fourth cousins. Aparently, my great great grandfather and Kim's great great grandmother are brother and sister from Denmark. It is on my mom side and Carie's dad side. I just think it is a little wierd that Carie is also my Fourth cousin once removed if this is accurate. I know it doesn't really make that big of an deal, but you don't expect to be somewhat related to your wife at all or for at least for minimum of 10 generations.
That is CRAZY! What did Carie say when you told her? Geni's slogan "Everyone's related" takes on a whole new meaning. If Carie wants to she can change the email alerts off in her profile settings. They are like some of those emails you get where they are annoying yet you just have to look at them.
I could see how initially that would be weird to know how you were already related to her but when I slowed down and thought about it I thought "so what"? And I guess that's where I'm at right now. We all know we are sons and daughters of God so seriously why does it matter if you were already distantly related to her? Of course we were. We all literally are anyway somewhere down the line.
Anyway I think Geni is pretty sweet overall.
That's disgusting Jeff! What's wrong with you? Seriously, you must be sick or something!
Just kidding ;-)
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