Thursday, February 7, 2008

February is here already?

February is already here. It is amazing at how fast time goes faster when you get older. Tanner had his surgery and went well to untie his lip and was fine right after. Carie turned 30 this past week as well. We went out to eat at Olive Garden, Our best place to eat! and rented a movie to watch. Elizabeth, the golden age. Kindof disappointing movie, I don't recommend it. We also rented a movie for Tanner called, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." He is obsessed with this one movie that has 4 episodes on it. I remember watching it when I was little and it was pretty cool. Now I can't stand it. lol. Carie has told me that she is going to buy a new TMNT DVD for his birthday next month. Lindsey has been getting into trouble more and more, but she is too cute to be mad at for too long. She has been testing the boundries. I guess we are in the Terrible two's. Tanner was not bad at all until three, but girls go through things earlier and hopefully faster than boys.

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