Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Pollingpoint Quiz, How would you answer?

I received a new link to participate in this week's Pollingpoint survey and it was quite interesting but vague. It was actually so vague that some answers were very hard to give due to no specifics behind it. So the way that I took it was to ask "in general". Some are about Government and some are about Society if you can separate the two of those. So I took it and then I asked Kevin, Derek, Scott, and Carie some of the questions too and this is some responses to each. I would say if you comment, and have not participated in the survey, then I would like you to answer the questions as well. Again, the answers that were given might change if you put any specific examples into any question.

The answers for the first questions were in the range of:
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Mildly Agree
Mildly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree

Q) Sometimes government needs to make laws that keep people from hurting themselves.
A) Kevin Strongly Disagree, Jeff Mildly Agree, Scott Moderately Agree, Derek Moderately Disagree, Carie Mildly agree

Q) It's society's responsibility to make sure everyone's basic needs are met.
A) Jeff Mildly Agree, Scott Disagree, Kevin Agree, Derek Moderately Agree, Carie Moderately Agree

Q) People should be able to rely on the government for help when they need it.
A) Scott Agree, Kevin Strongly Disagree, Jeff Mildly Agree, Carie Moderately Agree, Derek Mildly Disagree

Q) People who are successful in business have a right to enjoy their wealth as they see fit.
A) Kevin Strongly Agree, Scott Agree, Jeff Moderately Agree, Derek Strongly Agree, Carie Mildly Disagree

Q) Government regulations are almost always a waste of everyone's time and money.
A) Kevin Strongly Agree, Jeff Mildly Disagree, Scott Disagree, Derek Moderately Agree, Carie Moderately Agree

Q) We have gone too far in pushing equal rights in this country.
A) Kevin Moderately Agree, Scott Agree, Jeff Mildly Agree, Derek Strongly Agree, Carie Moderately Disagree

Q) Parents should encourage young boys to be more sensitive and less rough and tough.
A) Scott disagree, Kevin Moderately Disagree, Jeff Mildly Disagree, Derek Moderately Agree, Carie Mildly Agree

The next Questions asked were about if the following things that might contain a certain amount of Risk to our Society. So answers needed to be:
Almost no Risk
Slight Risk
Moderate Risk
High Risk

Q) Gay Marriage
A) Derek = Moderate Risk, Jeff, Kevin, Scott, and Carie = High Risk

Q) Legal Restrictions on Abortion
A) Derek, Jeff, and Carie = Almost no Risk, Scott and Kevin = Slight Risk

Q) Spread of Nuclear Weapons
A) Kevin = Moderate Risk, Scott, Jeff, Derek, and Carie = High Risk

Q) The Internet
A) Derek = Almost no Risk, Kevin = Slight Risk, Jeff and Carie = Moderate Risk, Scott = High Risk

Q) Nuclear Power
A) Derek = Almost No Risk, Jeff = Slight Risk, Kevin = Moderate Risk, Scott = High Risk

Q) Mad Cow Disease
A) Derek = Almost no Risk, Carie and Jeff = Slight Risk, Scott and Kevin = Moderate Risk

Q) Pornography
A) All Answered High Risk


Darcy Marie said...

Interesting survey. Here are my answers:

Moderately Agree
Mildly Agree
Mildly Disagree
Moderately Agree
Mildly Disagree
Moderately Agree
Mildly Agree

High Risk
Almost no Risk
High Risk
Slight Risk
Slight Risk
Slight Risk
High Risk

Scott said...

I didn't like the questions at all. Most are far too vague to get a real sense of what people believe. For example: "People should be able to rely on the government for help when they need it." Well what if Scorpio (see The Simpsons) takes over the west coast? Should the government sit back and relax? Of course not. But should the government pay for my Xbox Live membership if I lose my job? No. Almost all the questions were like that. In computer science we call this ignoring the intellectual complexity of the situation.